I Have a Dream and it Probably Won’t Come True


I love traveling. I love visiting new places. I was fortunate enough in my youth to spend a lot of time with my parents, visiting many wonderful places around the world. This isn’t as easy today. I now have a family, a job … My father once gave me a poster for my bedroom wall. It had a great photo of a bulldog on it with the following words:

I want all of the power and none of the responsibility.

I was probably about ten years old then, and I did not fully understand the message that it conveyed. Close to thirty years later, I do. Unfortunately.

Breakfast in Santorini, 2008 by Wojtek Pietrusiewicz

Breakfast in Santorini, 2008 by Wojtek Pietrusiewicz

I wish my wife shared my dream. To sell everything in our possession and just go. Anywhere and everywhere. I’d love to follow the warm weather around the globe and finally be free of the winters that I loathe so much. All we would need is two iPhones, two MacBooks and two cameras. Perhaps a little internet from time to time. I could write, perhaps sitting on a beach, listening to the ocean’s waves pound the shore. She could finally find the time to read that stack of books … err … files on her Kindle. And if we got bored, we’d just move to another place. Meet new people. Try food we’ve never even seen before. Watch yet another sunset, and still feel as if it were our first. To live, love each other and be free.

Like Lauren. I wish we had the balls to do what she did.

Chcesz zwrócić mi na coś uwagę lub skomentować? Zapraszam na @morid1n.

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