I tweeted the following yesterday, thinking it would go the way of the HomePod and be delayed…
O iMac Pro, iMac Pro! Wherefore art thou iMac Pro?
Deny thy creator and refuse thy timeline.
Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn to come,
And I’ll no longer be a …
Who am I kidding? It will be much too expensive to justify to my much more sensible wife.
— Wojtek Pietrusiewicz (@morid1n) December 11, 2017
Naturally, Apple today announced that the iMac Pro will be available for order in two days time, on 14/12/2017.
According to this video from Marques Brownlee, the iMac Pro will also get a optional 14-core CPU, which isn’t mentioned in the official specs on Apple.com. He also says that the 18-core option will start shipping early next year.
★ iMac Pro →
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