Discover: London — Our First Photography Album and Travel Guide for iPad in English


I’m extremely proud (and a little frightened) to present our first photography album and travel guide for the iPad written in English. The idea first came to me after using my webpage to show my photography and talk about our family’s travels — it was a sub par experience and I didn’t have full control over the layout. Since I use Adobe Creative Cloud for various other things, I decided to try to leverage their tools and create the whole album in InDesign, to my exact specifications.

A few sample pages from Discover: London.

A few sample pages from Discover: London.

This is our second photography album of the Discover series — the first one was published in Polish only and details our trip to Kenya [App Store link]. I spent weeks (if not months) working on the London edition, adding both landscape and portrait layouts, trying to perfect everything. The first hurdle was presenting my photography so that it would stand out properly. I chose to display each photo on one page in landscape and span them over a few pages in portrait (up to four I believe). Preparing over ninety photos in this manner was extremely time consuming and frustrating at times…  The app also supports zooming, in case anyone wants to pixel peep.

I hope you enjoy my photography and Iwona, my wife, hopes that her travel tips and tricks will help people visiting London for the first time (and return visitors too!). Thank you for your support!

I would also like to dedicate this album to my parents. I love you guys! #KeepOnFighting!

Discover: London will have an lower introductory price for the next few days!

Discover: London — iPad — €4.49 / $4.99 €1.79 / $1.99

Odkrywamy: Londyn (in Polish) — iPad — €4.49 / $4.99 €1.79 / $1.99 →

Chcesz zwrócić mi na coś uwagę lub skomentować? Zapraszam na @morid1n.

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