The New YouTube App for Apple TV Is a Disaster


I have been using the new Apple TV YouTube app for these past few days and, to be frank… I absolutely hate it. YouTube, with one fell swoop, broke:

  • the ability to touch the edges of remote’s trackpad to skip 15 seconds in either direction;
  • the sounds which accompany navigating the UI via the trackpad;
  • the possibility to scroll the timeline in a very precise fashion, with visible thumbnails;
  • the ability to touch the trackpad to bring up the timeline.

This app is so badly designed and breaks the tvOS UX paradigm to such an extent, that I will not use it until it is fixed. Everything about it is so tragically bad — it’s basically a copy of their web player — that I’m utterly surprised Apple review let it through. At this point, I would prefer to not have the app at all than to imagine people using (and getting used to) this garbage.

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