The Best iPhone is a Small iPhone →


John Moltz:

I like my iPhone 6 well enough, but having used it for six months am I ready to fully submit to our large screen overlords? Not in the least. The large screen is the one thing I don’t like about it. It frustrates me daily. Reachability does not work consistently enough to be reliable and I can’t reach the upper right corner without that thumb-extension surgery which my health plan doesn’t cover.

Right after the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus keynote I promised myself that I would use one of them for 6 months and then switch to the other. My time with the iPhone 6 was up a few weeks ago and I have since been using a 6 Plus. I still loathe its lack of usability with one hand but what’s most striking is picking up a “regular” 6 now—it’s tiny in comparison!

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