My Photography (25) — Tail End of the Milky Way, Mahé, Seychelles, 2017

March 18, 2017 · 06:50

I waited 18 days and 18 nights to get this shot. I was planning to do a lot of night sky photography before arriving on Mahé and Praslin, but unfortunately, my plans were for nought. Firstly, the full moon was a huge problem — it was bright enough to cast a shadow. Secondly, the night sky was almost always covered with clouds, which usually dispersed in the morning. Lastly, there is a surprising amount of light pollution on the island — I did not expect this at all.

The shot above is unfortunately far from perfect — you can see one of the ends of the Milky Way on it. Had I waited for the centre of the Milky Way to rise above the horizon, the bright moon would have joined it, ruining the shot. Hope you like it nonetheless.

Shot with Sony A7R II + FE 28 mm f/2: f/2.8, 15 s, ISO 3200.

My Photography (21) — Panorama of Eden Island as Seen From Mahé, Seychelles (100+ MP)

March 12, 2017 · 18:44

We took the scenic route through one of mountain passes on Mahé today, the one second closest to the capital city of Victoria. Since my Sony FE 28 mm wasn’t wide enough to capture the scene above, I decided to try to make a panorama, consisting of 12 individual shots. It came out better than I expected and has around 102 MP after cropping.

Since the JPG at full resolution weighs in at almost 100 MB, you can view the original on 500px. I also posted a 100% crop after the break below.

Shot with Sony A7R II + FE 28 mm f/2: f/8, 1/250 s, ISO 100. Total of 12 shots.

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