John Gruber, for Daring Fireball:
The question is: Why do business in China if this is the type of shit they pull?
Money. And this is despite Tim Cook’s outburst in 2014:
“We do things for other reasons than a profit motive, we do things because they are right and just,” Mr Cook growled. Whether in human rights, renewable energy or accessibility for people with special needs, “I don’t think about the bloody ROI,” Mr Cook said, in the same stern, uncompromising tone that Apple employees hope they never have to hear. “Just to be very straightforward with you, if that’s a hard line for you … then you should get out of the stock.”
It seems that it all depends on how large that profit motive is.
Shame on Apple for catering to the Chinese government. At this point, the company needs something akin to the recent #BlizzardBoycott.