Apple Needs to Reorganise Its Services Division →


Ben Thompson:

Apple will not fix the services it already has, or deliver on the promise of the services its hardware might yet enable, unless a new kind of organization is built around these services that has a fundamentally different structure, different incentives, and different rhythms from Apple’s device teams. You don’t make great products because you want to make great products; you make great products by creating the conditions where great products can be produced.

While I use almost all of Apple’s services, and they work pretty well for me, there are areas, which Ben highlights, that need a lot of work. iMessage has huge potential, for example, but it’s currently SMS on steroids. Apple Pay still hasn’t rolled out to countries that actually have more than enough infrastructure to support it. Siri is so slow to get off the ground to new heights, that it’s no end. HomeKit seems to be basically dead. CarPlay is a terrible experience. And the App Stores need a lot of work, as does shaping the future of what they contain.

At this point in time, Apple still has time to make their services better, but will they do it before time runs out?

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