WWDC 2020 Wallpapers in 6K


I prepared a few simple WWDC-themed wallpapers for 2020, based on the assets Apple is using this year. Every wallpaper is in 6K and is Pro Display XDR Ready™️. Feel free to convert them to JPG is you’d like smaller files — they’re around 33 MB each.

Please use the links to download the original files — the images used in this post are compressed and have a lower resolution, to save you some bandwidth.


Hello – light – 33 MB

Hello – dark – 33 MB

WWDC 2020

WWDC 2020 – light – 32 MB

WWDC 2020 – dark – 33 MB


2020 – light – 33 MB

2020 – dark – 33 MB


All 6 WWDC 2020 wallpapers – 196 MB

Chcesz zwrócić mi na coś uwagę lub skomentować? Zapraszam na @morid1n.

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