The new AirPods perfectly encapsulate the magical experience that only Apple is capable of creating. Open the case in which they are stored1 — a pop-up appears on your iPhone, asking if you’d like to pair them. Do it again, anytime in the future — you can quickly check your battery status. Play some music on your iPad2 — hear it in your AirPods, despite not having paired them with that device. Mac? Same thing.
Left: Case opened, both AirPods still inside. Centre: One AirPod removed from the case. Right: Both AirPods removed from the case.
I have had my AirPods for less than a week, but I fell in love with them on the day I bought them. They expose everything that I love about Apple — they take a few existing technologies, sprinkle some fairy dust on them, add two drops of unicorn blood, and stir counterclockwise until their magic recipe is ready.
Yes, they lack an in-line remote, which I thought would frustrate me. It doesn’t. There is only one question which you should be asking yourself: do they fit and sit comfortably in your ears? They do in mine. Best purchase in a long, long time.
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