iPhone 6S Shutdown Problem Detailed by Apple →

December 3, 2016 · 14:02

Apple Support:

We found that a small number of iPhone 6s devices made in September and October 2015 contained a battery component that was exposed to controlled ambient air longer than it should have been before being assembled into battery packs. As a result, these batteries degrade faster than a normal battery and cause unexpected shutdowns to occur. It’s important to note, this is not a safety issue.

The automatic shutdowns are a result of the iPhone protecting itself from low voltage.

iPhone 6S — Battery Issues? Read Me! →

November 14, 2016 · 11:48

Michael Firth:

Because I had already tried a factory reset and the DFU restore, their ultimate recommendation was to DFU reset the phone again and not restore it from backup, effectively setting it up as a new iPhone.

This is an unnacceptable solution to a problem — it leads to data loss for most people, including messages, health data, and more. I have had this suggested to me as well, and explained that I can do this for testing purposes, but that it is not a viable solution.

I then questioned the agent about the likelihood of a reset without a restore actually fixing the issue and received a fantastically honest response;


To say this kind of response was refreshing is an understatement, I think a full reset would’ve been fruitless (pun intended again), as the issue is likely the 10.1.x software rather than something within the user data.

Quite frankly, this is a not acceptable. I know people who have had the same problem for over half a year. Why should they wait for an iOS update? They paid a large amount of money for a working device, which they expect will function as it should.

On another note, I have had issues syncing my text replacement shortcuts since iOS 8. Apple’s suggestion two years ago was to wait for iOS 9 — I did so, quietly. After my problems continued, they suggested I wait for iOS 10. Again, I waited. Today, they said they will not look into the issue and swept it under the rug. Over two years without a solution.

Fun fact — I always receive a survey after Apple’s Support solves a problem. I never receive one if their solution is not satisfactory. My recent experiences would have definitely put a dent in their customer satisfaction ratings.

iPhone SE — Better Battery Life Than a 6S →

March 25, 2016 · 07:58

Geoffrey A. Fowler:

The standout news is battery life. Unlike many other recent Apple products, the iPhone SE’s is a significant improvement over its predecessors’. In my lab stress test, which cycles through websites with uniform screen brightness, the SE lasted 10 hours—more than two hours longer than both the iPhone 6s and iPhone 5s, and nearly three hours longer than the Galaxy S7.

This is huge! I’m so tempted…