iFixit’s Smart Battery Case Teardown →

December 12, 2015 · 23:15


In one of the least Apple-y moves in history, Apple released the Smart Battery Case, and it’s ugly. Rumors about this unexpected accessory are flying thick and fast, let’s open this pack up to see how it works.

Great shots as usual, a lot of interesting information, and one interesting tidbit:

With 7.13 Whr (1877 mAh at 3.8 V) capacity, this battery more than doubles your iPhone 6s (6.55 Whr) capacity.

iFixit tears down the Apple Pencil →

November 20, 2015 · 18:01


What is this—a logic board for ants? Not quite, but weighing in at a whopping 1.0 gram it’s definitely the smallest we’ve ever seen.

Waiting for mine to arrive which should take only 4-5 weeks, which means that I have to make do with iFixit’s excellent teardowns.