Using BBEdit and Excel to Revive a Dead Podcast Feed →

January 8, 2019 · 13:58

Jason Snell, on Six Colours:

When people ask me what features of BBEdit I use, I can mention Markdown tools and syntax support, which I use for writing stories like this one. But the other thing I use BBEdit for is a bit more esoteric and hard to describe—something I call “text munging”, for lack of a better word.

I recently used Excel for a similar purpose and was surprised how much I underutilize it for such tasks. Anyway, Jason’s expedition is a very interesting read, combining BBEdit, regular expressions, and the aforementioned Excel.

BBEdit 12 — It (Still) Doesn’t Suck®

October 13, 2017 · 15:53

Version 12 was released yesterday and Bare Bones Software published info on how to upgrade, depending on which version you’re on — you can find it here. It’s probably easiest to just upgrade when they ask you to — completely worth it in my opinion. They also published a complete change log:

BBEdit 12.0 contains many new features, enhancements, and refinements to existing features. It also includes fixes for reported issues. This document describes changes in BBEdit since the previous update (11.6.8).

BBEdit also has a wonderful manual which is totally worth reading. It’s probably the first software manual that I have read in my life.

Five BBEdit Tips From Tobias →

February 5, 2016 · 19:26

Tobias Günther:

BBEdit is one of the most feature-rich text editors on the Mac.
Over many years, it has been improved and refined to become the powerful application that it is today.

In this post, we have compiled 5 tips that will help you get the most out of it.

I’ve been meaning to learn how to use all of the more advanced features of BBEdit since I first started using it. I hope these tips will finally get me started…

Free BB-8 icon for BBEdit from Jimmy Hartington →

February 5, 2016 · 16:16

This is how to use replace the default BBEdit icon with the BB-8 edition:

  1. Click the link in the title.
  2. Download the file which contains the icons.
  3. Unzip the archive.
  4. Open the BB8dit@1x.png file with
  5. Press ⌘A to Select All.
  6. Press ⌘C to copy the image to the clipboard.
  7. Open a Finder window and go to /Applications/ or wherever you have BBEdit installed.
  8. Highlight BBEdit and press ⌘i to bring up the information window.
  9. Click on the BBEdit icon in the top left corner of the window — it should highlight with a blue outline.
  10. Press ⌘V.
  11. Close the window.

If you ever want to revert back to the original icon just open up the info window in step 8, select the icon and press Delete on your keyboard.

Thanks @jimmyhartington!